This blog : Origin
I've decide to start a blog.
After a short-lasting affair with Medium, this time for real and doing it proper. And after the final bit of procrastination - building a custom static site generator - I'm ready.
Why and What
Two questions, one answer.
Blog is short for weblog. And that's my intention here. To keep a public log of activities and ideas.
The term "weblog" was coined by Jorn Barger on December 17, 1997.
The motivation behind this blog is entirely selfish. I intent to:
- Force myself to better formulate ideas and projects
- Hold myself accountable
- Keep a "paper" trail - for future reference and to share with others
That's about enough for the start.
- Inspired by slick static site generator.
- Uses the shake build system. Renders markdown files into a static webpage and generates syndication feeds.
- Reproducibly built using nix. And cached with cachix.
- Automated CI deployment to Github Pages (using Github Action).
TL;DR push and forget
- Copyright 2020 Martin Toman
- Content licensed under CC BY 4.0.
- Code licensed under BSD 3-Clause.
I encourage everyone who would like to do so to fork my setup and use it for anythinig they like.
Finally started a blog. Github centric setup. Do the same, if you like.